The Friday was a lazy day for us. While Tory worked from home we sat on the sofa and watched a film and planned our next 10 days of riding. When the Skyfall credits started to roll I headed off to do the oil changes on our Rohloff hubs and clean the chains so we'd have a lovely smooth ride when we got back on the bikes. The afternoon was even more relaxed with us doing next to nothing until everybody arrived home again. The evening though was full of fun. We ate a beautiful chicken casserole (although I think us Brits might call it a chicken pasta bake) before heading out to have a bonfire on the front drive way. The kids ran round as the adults sat by the fire. While I ran around William asked me to roll down the hill in the back yard. Having developed motion sickness on a Waltzer in Sheffield last year I was apprehensive but peer pressure won out and I found myself lying face down in the grass praying for the world to stop spinning. It was a very similar feeling to waking up in the tent in Harrison those many months earlier but thankfully much less messy. After pulling myself together I assumed my rightful seat around the fire, now with added neighbours. We drank, chatted and drew chalk pictures on the driveway. As the light faded Tory added a packet to the fire to change the orange flames to green and blue. When this faded Mike, one of Steve and Tory's neighbours, added a ball of Christmas lights. The effect was similar to the packet but with the added black ball of smoke billowing down the street. When order and orange was finally restored we headed to bed.
The Saturday morning everybody was a little slow to kick into gear but when our fasts had been broken we headed into Minneapolis to check out Cultivate, a free festival centred around local, sustainable food. The park was extremely busy and we waited in line to enter and then again for beer. After the adults had drinks we headed to the kids zone to paint on a wooden silhouette of a cow and draw designs on T-Shirts. The atmosphere was fantastic and we spent a while just soaking it up.
Next we headed back to the car and had a drive around the city. There are tall high rise corporate buildings, cute little boutique shops and everything in between. Minneapolis was the first major sized city we had experienced since Vancouver and I loved being back in such a huge conurbation. There is even an old derelict, exploded flour factory. We got two bites of the cherry with this one as we drove right past it then parked up the car on the other side of the river and walked down by the water front to get views of the skyline, the waterfalls and the blown out old factory.
Next we headed back to the car and had a drive around the city. There are tall high rise corporate buildings, cute little boutique shops and everything in between. Minneapolis was the first major sized city we had experienced since Vancouver and I loved being back in such a huge conurbation. There is even an old derelict, exploded flour factory. We got two bites of the cherry with this one as we drove right past it then parked up the car on the other side of the river and walked down by the water front to get views of the skyline, the waterfalls and the blown out old factory.
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